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发布时间:2024-07-27 16:10:18来源:
导读 大家好,心选来为大家解答以上的问题。导游英语这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 【#导游英语#】导游英语可以表达为“tour gui...



导游英语可以表达为“tour guide”或者“guide”。

以下是导游工作中可能会用到的一些常见英语表达:1. 打招呼和欢迎语: - Hello, welcome to our tour. - Good morning, it's nice to have you here for today's tour.2. 介绍景点: - We are now at the entrance of the Great Wall of China. - This monument was built in the 17th century and is a symbol of the city.3. 讲解历史或文化背景: - The area is rich in historical significance, dating back to the ancient times. - This place holds a deep cultural significance in the local community.4. 提醒注意事项: - Please follow the group and don't stray from the path. - Please be mindful of your belongings and stay hydrated during the tour.5. 描述景点特色: - The beauty of this valley is unparalleled, with stunning scenery in every direction. - The museum houses a collection of rare artifacts from the region.6. 解答问题: - What is the history behind this monument? - Is there a specific time when we should arrive for our next stop? - Can we take photos here? - What are some of the must-see attractions in this city? - What's the best way to get to our hotel from here? 记住在描述旅游景点和给出旅游信息时保持清晰明了。



