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发布时间:2024-07-28 10:20:29来源:
导读 大家好,心选来为大家解答以上的问题。awful造句这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 【#awful造句#】以下是一些使用 "awful" 造...



以下是一些使用 "awful" 造句的例子:1. The weather is awful today; it's raining heavily.今天天气糟糕透了,正在下大雨。

2. I had an awful experience with that company; they didn't pay me on time.我与那家公司有着糟糕的经历,他们没有按时支付我的工资。

3. She looked awful; maybe she's been sick.她看起来很糟糕,也许她生病了。

4. I feel awful after eating that food; my stomach is not doing well.吃了那种食物后,我感觉很糟糕,我的胃不舒服。

5. The news was awful; my favorite band broke up.消息太糟糕了,我最喜欢的乐队解散了。

6. He gave an awful performance in the concert, everyone was disappointed.他在音乐会上的表现很糟糕,每个人都感到失望。

7. She had an awful accident on her way home; she's very lucky to be alive.她在回家的路上发生了可怕的事故,她能够活着真是幸运。

8. The traffic was awful, we were late for the meeting.交通状况很糟糕,我们开会迟到了。

9. He gave me an awful surprise when he proposed marriage to me.他向我求婚时,给我一个惊人的消息。

10. I had an awful headache yesterday, I couldn't focus on anything.我昨天头痛得厉害,无法集中精力做任何事情。

